Jan 4

Fetch me a photo of a moment gone . is gone 

but you knew that . your own photo blown up . speaking 

of blow up . in it . innit. intuit it . enclosed en close 

d by something else . some things else . INKlings . paper . tiny 

coloured ink dots . papered .  carried in interest 

from dowries . did you know that? I didn’t . mine 

was the use of a station wagon for a week . inhered 

to  vertical blinds bars fence ferns a suggestion of a satellite 

antenna roof slant trees & bad feelings because the neighbour 

partied for hours and hours and hours on xmas eve and then 

had a slap down drunken lover’s argument said things 

they should regret but probably won’t remember 

as I do—I was feral today in my car being told to back up 

on a narrow lane, MY narrow lane by a—fck plightness—




About Julie McElhone

Julie McElhone graduated from the University of Canberra in 2012 with a Bachelor of Writing. And then graduated the next year with first class Honours. In 2019 she had poems published in Meanjin, Southerly, Rabbit journal, Barzakh (US), The Menteur (UK/Fr). She lives in Sydney and is the proud parent to a glorious 13-year old. She holds a Master of Creative Writing from University of Sydney (2019) and is currently undertaking a Doctor of Arts at University of Sydney. View all posts by Julie McElhone

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